Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Where to Recycle?: Plastic bottle caps, wine corks

Here are some recycling options shared by HMEG members. Through our 5 years, we often take up the topic of waste reduction, including applying for grants. This is the first in a series where hard to recycled items are featured. To see all the posts, click our label "waste reduction.

  • Recycle all "twist on" plastic bottle caps at an Aveda salon!
    From the Ramsey County A-Z Disposal Guide:
    Recycle Caps with Aveda is an ongoing recycling program that accepts plastic bottle caps. Caps that are accepted include any plastic "twist on" caps such as water bottles, soda bottles, milk bottles, ketchup bottles, shampoo bottles and laundry detergent bottles. Caps that are NOT accepted include metal caps and any "snap fit" plastic caps such as margarine and cottage cheese caps.

    Bring your caps to an AVEDA store near you. Please call ahead to confirm they are participating in this program.


  1. Thanks for this great information - new to me. Another recycling opportunity - Whole Foods Co-op is always looking for egg cartons. You can leave them at the SuperUSA pick-up spot (in the cooler) shortly before the regular monthly delivery, and mark "Whole Foods Co-op" on the container.

  2. Hannah, thanks for that tip! Also good to hear that you are using the "Whole Farm Co-op". Details about that delivery of local farm goods can be found here:

    MidPoint Green


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